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Boarding Student Application Process

Applying to Athenian

我们鼓励您浏览我们的网站,了解更多关于赌场捕鱼网投的信息. 通过我们的参与和体验式教学以及我们一些独特的课程,发现赌场捕鱼网投对严肃学者的态度, including March Term and the Athenian Wilderness Experience (AWE).

我们的录取过程的目的是让我们有机会了解你,而你发现赌场捕鱼网投. We look beyond just the typical qualifications. Strong academic performance is important, 我们寻求接受赌场捕鱼网投哲学和教育方法的学生. 招生委员会也在寻找能够丰富学生经验的学生, talents, backgrounds, and perspectives that create a vibrant learning community.

The Admission Team is here to help you in the application process. Contact us here at any time.

Application Steps:

  1. Create an account in Ravenna by clicking here.
  2. 进入拉文纳后,在学校目录中找到赌场捕鱼网投,点击“申请”." 
  3. 熟悉拉文纳中列出的所有必需和可选的应用步骤.
  4. 在拉文纳完成高中申请表,并提交100美元的申请费. This form is the "preliminary application."(Please contact Athenian Admission for a fee waiver if the cost is a hardship for your family.)
  5. Register for fall and winter events in Ravenna.
  6. 完整的申请截止日期为1月(见右图所示步骤). 

For International Students:

Applicants who have not attended school in the U.S. 至少在过去三年,应填写国际学生申请表. This applies to both day and boarding student applicants. Please contact the Admission Office 关于国内或国际申请人身份的问题.

国际学生达到流利的英语,并获得强大的整体学术基础. 在9年级或10年级需要英语支持的学生可以从赌场捕鱼网投严格的ESL课程中受益.

Important information about the application process:
  • SAO Application: Please note if using the SAO application, 赌场捕鱼网投大学要求在SAO中包含补充表格,我们强烈鼓励申请人使用SAO申请在拉文纳创建完整的学生档案(www.ravenna-hub.com) in order to review their application progress, register for additional required steps and view admission decisions.
  • Middle and Upper School Applicants: International students are welcome to apply in grade 9, 10, or 11, where our boarding program, staff, and curriculum support them. The Middle School (grades 6-8) is designed for local students only. 申请中学的国际学生必须在美国上过学.S. 至少3年,英语口语和写作流利,与家人住在赌场捕鱼网投附近.
  • International Student Interviews (required): This step happens after the application forms are completed. For applicants from China, please see the note below.

Note: Applicants from China:
Due to the high volume of applicants from China, Athenian is not able to interview all applicants, regardless of citizenship or current country of residence. Applicants who live in China and are applying to grades 9, 10, or 11, 请联系Vericant在中国完成初步面试(1月前). 在联系Vericant之前,开始向拉文纳的赌场捕鱼网投申请. 在审核完所有申请后,赌场捕鱼网投大学还将联系一小部分最终候选人进行正式面试.

Additional Required Steps:

List of 9 items.

  • Visit Campus

    校园参观是申请过程的一部分,应该在虚拟面试之前完成. 要注册校园参观和其他赌场官方网投活动,请注册或登录拉文纳.

  • Teacher Recommendation Forms

    Each student must have two (2) teachers complete these forms. 
    • 一定要包括每个老师的电子邮件地址,以便将表格发送给他们.
    • 至少一份推荐信必须来自数学老师,一份来自英语老师. 
  • Transcript Request


    赌场官方网投要求提供当前2023-2024学年的成绩成绩单或成绩单,以及2022-2023和2021-2022学年的最终成绩成绩单或成绩单. Schools can submit transcripts electronically or in hard copy.

    IMPORTANT: In order to avoid duplicating your school registrar’s efforts, 注册主任被告知,在第一学期或第二季度或第一学期成绩完成之前,不要发送记录. If your school term ends after the application deadline, 他们将在第二季度或学期结束后尽快发送2023-2024年的成绩.

    INTERNATIONAL STUDENTS ONLY: Transcripts must be officially translated into English.
  • Writing Exercise

    This will take place online supported by Test Innovators. To register, click here to select a date and register. Please register for only one date. There is a $50 fee for the online writing exercise. Contact Athenian Admission for a fee waiver if the cost is a hardship for your family.


    *Not required for International applicants who have taken the TOEFL, IELTS, Duolingo, or completed a Vericant Interview.

  • Student & Family Interview

    这提供了一个了解更多学生兴趣的机会, educational experiences, and what about The Athenian School appeals to them. 它还为学生提供了一个提问和了解更多赌场捕鱼网投项目的机会. 面试将在网上进行,并应安排在学生访问之后. 

    要安排面试,请使用Register来获取拉文纳的活动链接. Please register for only one (1) interview. A confirmation will be sent by help@ravennasolutions.com到用于在拉文纳创建帐户的电子邮件地址,并包括Zoom链接.

    Please note: This event is for the student and parent/guardian(s). 请选择一个安静的地方,远离任何干扰或干扰来完成面试.
  • Student Supplement

    The Student Statement & 学生活动和兴趣表是常见的表格,它为招生委员会提供了另一个了解学生兴趣和活动的机会, educational experience, and interest in The Athenian School. Please complete this information in Ravenna.

    Note: If you are applying to other Independent Schools, 这些表格的回复也将被发送到使用此选项的学校.
  • Principal/Counselor Recommendation (optional)

    如果校长或辅导员没有收到包含推荐表格安全链接的电子邮件, please contact the Admission Office at admission@sh-fyz.com or 925-362-7223. 我们将协助提供推荐表格给校长或辅导员.
  • International Students ONLY

    You are required to submit results of a test of English (TOEFL,
    TOEFL Jr, TOEFL@Home, Duolingo or IELTS). Contact the Admission Office if a test of English is not available.

    Athenian School Code for TOEFL: 9155

    SAO Application:
    Please note if using the SAO application, Athenian requires the supplemental forms included in the SAO.

    国际学生面试(必须):这一步在申请表完成后进行. For applicant from China, please see  the note below.

    Note: Applicants from China:
    Due to the high volume of applicants from China, Athenian is not able to interview all applicants, regardless of citizenship or current country of residence. Applicants who live in China and are applying to grades 9, 10, or 11, 请联系Vericant在中国完成初步面试(1月前). 在联系Vericant之前,向拉文纳的赌场捕鱼网投提出申请. 在审核完所有申请后,赌场捕鱼网投大学还将联系一小部分最终候选人进行正式面试.

  • Standardized Testing (not required or accepted)

    赌场捕鱼网投大学不要求申请秋季赌场官方网投的学生参加赌场官方网投考试(走读生或国内学生)。. 请不要提交任何标准化考试成绩,因为赌场官方网投委员会不会审查或考虑这些成绩. If you are an international student, we do require some testing. See section on international students above.


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